Years 10-13 Enrolment Form

Please submit the following enrolment form to complete your enrolment application.

The form includes the following sections: Student Details, Student Statement, Medical Record, Computing Acceptable Policy for Students, Blanket Consent for Education Outside the Classroom, Photo Release. You can save and return to the form at a later date if necessary (see the button at the bottom of any page of the form).

You will be also asked to upload copies of the following documents:

  • NZ Birth Certificate of NZ Passport
  • NZ Residency or VISA for students not born in NZ
  • Immunisation Certificate
  • Custody Court Orders (if applicable)
  • Previous School Reference Form – To be completed by Class Teacher or Principal

If your family is new to Excellere College, please also complete the Family Details Form. This form needs to be completed once per family.

