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Excellere College Support Group (ECSG)

Please let me take this opportunity to introduce the Excellere College Support Group (ECSG).

We have been on a lengthy hiatus as we navigate Covid and the impacts it has had on the volunteering and events we historically have held, but now feels like a great time to step back into action.

We are a registered charity whose purpose is to be of service to our students and staff, and help bridge the relationships between home and school.
Some of the ways we have done this in the past is running Friday Canteen and occasional fundraising events to purchase educational resources or equipment that are over and above the essentials covered by the School Board budget, and to contribute to student initiatives such as the Senior Ball.

We also want to continue running fun events like the Guys Hangout Night and eventually something for the ladies also.
Unfortunately, we can’t run the ECSG without help. So, if volunteering is your thing keep reading.

Currently we have a wonderful, small group of parents who make up the ECSG, and would love to extend an invite for any parents or caregivers to find out more and join us.

We see ECSG having two different focus areas that we need parent help with:

Group 1 – We see this in a VOLUNTEER capacity including things like:

  • Transport for class trips or sports events
  • Helping marshal or record keep at events like Cross Country / Athletics Day     etc.
  • Parent help in a class for a special project
  • Providing meals for families in their time of need
  • Helping practically with a fundraiser or event

This scenario would be simply putting your name forward for the areas you’d be interested in and letting us know your availability. When we have an occasion that needs assistance we’d give you a call and see if you can help out. This could be perfect way for Grandparents to be involved too, so have a chat to them.

Group 2 – The other aspect would be to become a COMMITTEE MEMBER, including opportunities to use your skills in:

  • Administrative assistance (meeting Minutes, communication within the                group)
  • Finance assistance
  • Communication / promoting events
  • Event and fundraiser planning and organising
  • To voice objective opinions on issues

The commitment would be attending a committee meeting once a Term, and helping out in one of the various areas of service in a capacity that suits your family and work schedules.

If you would like to chat further or have any other questions, please email Nat Brown or contact the office. ( / / 09 435 2458)

Nat Brown
On behalf of the ECSG
